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Dr Ayaz Hashmi appointed as Director of ICPM India Chapter

Will show the power of India to the whole world, the country will lead the hole world in the field of pharma: Hashmi

By: वतन समाचार डेस्क



Dr Ayaz Hashmi appointed as Director of ICPM India Chapter

Will show the power of India to the whole world, the country will lead the hole world in the field of pharma: Hashmi


New Delhi, Sep 14: Dr. Ayaz Uddin Hashmi, Chairman peace always and member of Hashmi Group of Organisations, has been appointed as the director of the India chapter of the International Conference for Pharmacy and Medicine (ICPM)


The ICPM said that the appointment has been made to enhance the opportunities in inviting manufacturers and distributors from Unani, Ayurveda and Herbal network as participants to come and exhibit their products and technology in its upcoming exhibition scheduled from January 23-25 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.


ICPM is a platform that covers local and

international market where there will be an opportunity to meet one on one with the key authorities and decision makers from all GCC and MENA countries  in the healthcare sector.


All participants will get to meet leading industry experts, consultant healthcare providers and CEO's in the healthcare field in private sessions.


Dr.Ayaz Uddin Hashmi belongs to a family of freedom fighters and has a significant contribution in the pharma sector in India.



Hashmi said the Indian government under the leadership of PM Modi has prioritized the pharma sector and this platform will help in projecting India's strengths on an international platform.


ताज़ातरीन ख़बरें पढ़ने के लिए आप वतन समाचार की वेबसाइट पर जा सक हैं :


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